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Digital Communications for Campaigns and Causes

Digital Communications + Grassroots Storytelling

Creative Advisor for The Democrats. Obama administration & campaign alum. Climate change activist. Maker of GOOD POLITICAL.

I’ve spent my career in digital strategy and political advocacy, directing digital efforts in the Obama campaigns and administration at the Department of Labor, the DNC, March For Our Lives, and many other causes. Our creative collective, GOOD POLITICAL, led the launch of Michelle Obama's When We All Vote initiative, advised Wisconsin Gov. Evers in his defeat of Scott Walker, and helped win key swing states in 2020, producing 100+ digital ads for the Biden Campaign.

I produce a lot of PSAs

While that hasn’t yet translated to IMDB credits, few have operated at the highest level with minimal resources, delivering content at the speed of a news cycle, and capturing “authentic” stories authentically.

Together, WE RISE.

One in five teenagers suffers from a mental health disorder. Less than half receive treatment.
From the perspective of public school students, TOGETHER, WE RISE explores a new cultural event designed to help youth confront mental health. Documentary commissioned by LA County, featuring Common and Kobe Bryant.